
Being Rare

Being Rare!

The INFJ personality type is considered rare because it is estimated that only 1-2% of the population has this personality type.

This is because the INFJ personality type is characterized by a few unique traits, such as being introverted, intuitive, and feeling, which are uncommon among most people.

INFJ, stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging, represents people who are often contemplative, intuitive, empathic, and acutely aware of the needs and feelings of others. And they have a strong sense of purpose and are often driven by a desire to positively impact the world around them.

Yet, due to my introversion and propensity I kept my emotions and ideas to myself, therefore I found it more difficult to stand out or be heard in social settings.

Back then I talked a lot to cover up my introversion, so I acted extravert. Yet this costed me soooo much energy because my behavior wasn’t according my true nature.

It’s funny thing is, and this takes me back almost 10 years, when I did an official Myer Briggs test, during my Business Coaching Program from Robert Kyosaki. Which came to me with the result I was one of the rarest types, only 2% of the population.

I remember crying for days and being sad about it because of this result and the reason people didn’t understand me, I wanted to belong, I wanted to be understood, I felt lonley and it seemsed that nobody had empathy nor interest in my feelings. So, I needed to understand otherwise. I had a very hard time to accept my nature, to embrace to be 1-2% of the population, and being the rare INFJ!

Today I am proud of it. I will give you some points why people come to me, just because I am that 1-2% of the population, the rare INFJ!

Self-exploration: Individuals who have taken a personality test and discovered they are INFJs may want to understand their themselves better and strengths, weaknesses, and typical traits.

Relationship building: People may search for information on INFJ personalities to understand better friends, family members, or romantic partners who are INFJs.

Compatibility: Individuals may be interested in learning about the compatibility of INFJs with other personality types in various contexts, such as friendships, romantic relationships, or work environments.

Because I used to focus heavily on external validation, yet Real INFJs are typically more concerned with upholding their internal standards and beliefs than being praised or recognized for their deeds.

I had to unlearn toxic patterns that overschadowd, because I learned to embraced & accept my true nature. I understood the it was my default behavior, the personallity I had build due to trauma and bad experiences.

What do you need to embrace & accept?

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