67% of all decisive WOMEN  entrepreneurs feel 

Emotionally & financially violated

 in a love relationship because they overlook THEIR  

Femininity & self-worth

Many successful women entrepreneurs—67%—feel emotionally and financially hurt by their relationships. Despite their professional achievements, they often neglect their femininity and self-worth, leading to personal imbalances. This highlights the need for these women to embrace their true value and connect with their feminine energy to achieve both financial freedom and fulfilling relationships to be a Match for their wealth!

what holds you back?

If You Don't Resolve Your Personal Struggles, You'll Never Achieve Financial Freedom

Personal struggles are the hidden barriers to financial freedom - resolve inner conflicts to feel emotionally free first.  

To Awaken Your Bliss is blocked by Personal issues like self-sabotaging, self-doubt, limiting beliefs, unresolved emotions or traumas that can create unseen obstacles to financial freedom, hindering sound decision-making and long-term fulfillment, to feel success.  

By addressing these challenges, decisive women entrepreneurs can break free from constraints and achieve genuine financial independence, so all monthly costs are paid without working. When you want to create a life that feels easier and more peaceful, you start from soul-alignment with yourself to find the seed in you to unlock your Ikigai and make Happy Money to feel the satisfaction which has huge impact on your well-being. 

my way TO work

With the B.L.I.S.S Method I help you in 5 steps to your
Wealthy life that feels easy and peaceful 

step 1


'Breathe' focuses on releasing obstructive elements, discovering your life purpose (Ikigai), and developing prioritization, emotional intelligence, and self-reflection skills to support personal growth.

step 2


'Liberation' builds on the foundation of step 1, driving growth by addressing challenges, achieving quick wins, managing emotions, planning finances, and seizing opportunities.

step 3


'Invigorate' maintains and strengthens momentum, emphasizing high-trust relationship building and embracing change to continue growth and success.

step 4


'Stamina' creates renewed energy and resilience while continuing scalable growth, focusing on adaptability, self-care, business scalability, and income diversification.

step 5


'Serendipity' achieves financial independence and happiness by developing financial literacy, budgeting, wealth accumulation, and openness to new opportunities.

what holds you back?

Unresolved Relationship Issues Will Always Block Your Financial Freedom

Resolving relationship troubles is the key to unlocking financial freedom.

Embracing your Feminine Gift, the Goddess in you, your natural woman, most decisive women entrepreneurs have been raised & validated in their masculine energy. 

Relationship troubles often create emotional and mental burdens that weigh heavily on our pursuit of financial freedom.  

Whether it's disagreements with a partner, family conflicts, strained friendships, or business partners, it distracts us from our financial goals, drains our energy, and we often ignore our intuition. By addressing and resolving these relationship challenges, we not only strengthen our healthy personal connections but also clear the path with a soul-led masterplan towards your personal wealth, financial stability and prosperity. To establish meaningful relationships is based on your ‘vibe’.

facts & figures

78% of all women don't feel confident when it comes to managing their finances

In 2018, a survey by BMO Wealth Institute found that 78% of women reported feeling "not very confident" or "not at all confident" when it comes to managing their finances. A similar study by Bank of America found that 78% of women feel "not very confident" or "not at all confident" when making investment decisions, compared to 65% of men.

Improving financial confidence can be achieved through education, resources, and support. Therefore, it's never too late for women to work towards developing their financial literacy and decision-making skills.

Don't feel confident

what holds you back?

Financial Struggles Undermine Wellbeing and Emotional Freedom

Financial Struggles have the biggest impact on our wellbeing and our emotional freedom. 

Therefore Emotional freedom is the baseline to becoming financially free too - knowing your magic number and being a good money manager is crucial.  

Enabling Financial Freedom starts with becoming financially independent first so that all monthly costs are paid without you having to work for them. This gives you peace of mind, but you don’t have to wait until that moment to live a life that feels valuable to you. 

Based on the emotional choices you made, you are ready to take calculated risks today. And let this compound into the future. Focusing on data and systemized solutions to position your Peerless Proposition as the go-to authority in the field.  






Years of


Testimonials or case studies

Wat do others say about me?


“Monique's mentorship was invaluable. I gained practical tools for managing my finances and asserting my desires, leading to a profound inner transformation and newfound confidence."

Before: Lost in financial quicksand, no insight & confidence.
During: Overview, resistance, accountability, femininity & new terms for debt.  
After: Grip on finance & herself, creativity, resourcefulness, no more overwhelm.

Laura Monje

Project Manager


“I had no insight in my financial situation, my blueprint was and how to use it, to truly connect with myself. It was fun to learn my partner's love language,  to make our relationship even stronger. I gained more insight into what I find important and adhere to it. Doesn't mean I am there yet, but I do have the tools and skills to keep growing."

Before: No insight in financial, financial dependence & relational matters 
During: Neglecting self-care, boundaries, self-expression & play.  
After: Aligned with true self, more fulfilling life, experience emotional & financial stability.

Gillian de Bruin



“I was so stuck in my work, work, work ethic.  I didn’t allow myself to have fun. Now I prioritize fun things and find that it actually makes my work flow and creativity better. When you are stuck in all work and now play, you are actually less effective. Glad to be out of that rut”

Before: Workaholic ethic, busy lifestyle, self sabotaging, social introvert.
During: Root cause, prioritization, creativity, energy, playfulness, effectiveness
After: Define core work, bucket list, mindset shift, dream plan & career shift.

Carol Banens

Grief Coach

I am Monique Toonen

In 2015 I found a complete new lifestyle

After going through a divorce in 2015, I found myself emotionally broken despite having enough money. I recognized that my broken childhood had led to broken relationships and marriages, the pain was devastating, I needed to face the pain and let go of toxic patterns in my life.

On July 28, 2020, I got a bigger nudge that I wasn’t living according my true self. I was diagnosed with Triple Negative breast cancer, this was my only chance to save my life and connected with my soul mission, my reason for being.

This wake-up call made me realize that what I truly needed was positive energy, nourishing food, a supportive environment and kind people in my life. Going through the challenging experience financially. The fysical and emotional burden of chemotherapy, surgery and radiation Awakened my Bliss Goddess, to embark on my souls yearning, to travel the world with my dog, Spirit.
