
Monique Toonen

Hi, I am Monique Toonen, The financial Alchemist, I love to tell you how I became a MATCH for my WEALTH. 

Wealth is Seeking You, Are you a Match?

My Own Quest led me to my purpose guiding other women like you, to create your dream life & relationship! Achieving financial freedom and find the right partner for more life & more profit.

My Own Quest

My name is Monique Toonen (1965), called the financial-Alchemist, the woman behind the UpAffluence Company and the concept MATCH YOUR WEALTH. With over 15 years of experience, I founded the “B.L.I.S.S Method”. A method that helps you to Awaken your B..L.I.S.S Goddess and Establish your Worthy Empress creating a soul- led strategy & plan. To not only achieve (financial & emotional) freedom and attract the right life partner, but also how to hold your money and your love partner for life to enjoy more life and more profit together!

After helping dozens of decisive women in your position, I can say that the amount of money nothing has to do with financial freedom, and that men of your caliber not seeing you as a loved one is simply not true. That doesn't mean that I didn't believe this myself for a long time. I was very successful in making money and I had relationships. But I simply couldn't feel financially & emotionally free and did not know how to build a healthy relationship with a man to spend the rest of my life with.

And even though as a strong and desicive woman I could deal with the chemo well and the process went according to the happy flow. Yet, the lack of my heart's desire, wanting to travel and explore the world, in search of new experiences and adventures was failing me big time, my desire for variety to feel alive and healthy was activated on a deep soul-level after I was declared - healed -from triple negative breast cancer. The TIME IS NOW!

Despite I was in a relationship at the time, the repetitive routine of modern life started to cloud my mind, leading to a feeling of severe stagnation and that clearly had a negative impact on my well-being, subconscious I had a lot of blocked emotions, and blocked emotions become cancer, as I was diagnosed with breast cancer!  

Although I had no lack of money, being financiallly free and in a relationship, yet I had no purpose and I felt very unhappy. I especially felt that when I was borred to death being in the same place, with the same people, the same tasks all the time or when I had another run-in with my partner, when I was alone at home in my own bed or when he had no time for me or when I collapsed on the couch, exhausted from all the tasks I had to do, to keep my life and my business running.

This hit me. From the outside you saw nothing, but inside I felt – what I often call – the pain of the unlived life!

I also – like you perhaps – had beliefs such as: “all men are narcissists” or “men don't like strong women”. Or “you have to have money to make money”. You probably recognize this one too: “you have to have a lot of money to be financially free”.

But that wasn't what was going on...
After my divorce in 2015, I was now an entrepreneur as an integrative coachcounselor and I had graduated from high school as a Quality Asset Manager in Real Estate, studied Financial Literacy and gained insight into what was really going on.

That had to do with old patterns that I was stuck in. From painful experiences in my childhood, youth and adult life, I had built up inner resistance that prevented me from being open to love, but especially to how I handled my money.

Once I found out about this and started tackling the obstructive patterns, with the focus or the quality choices I made during and after the after effects of the chemo, I was financially free within a short time and I found my love and happiness again with the same partner, with whom I am now very happy!  

The conviviality, sharing experiences and the intimacy of the love relationship became a great loss in my traveling life.

This certainly did not happen automatically. It took perseverance, using deep healing modalities so that I could overcome my inner blocks.

But I took that step and I now know that I would never have been able to truly connect with my partner, and I would never have been able to live my dream life, if I had not healed this. Then nothing would have changed, I would never live my dream life, I would still be alone and have no one to share my dream life with!  

Do you also want to overcome your obstacles?
So that you dare to open up to your loving partner with whom you can share the rest of your life? And at the same time building your dream life from your soul and not only be financially & emotionally free but also feel financially & emotionally free?  

For more than 15 years I have been helping women with this, designing their dream life from their soul without financial worries and I have seen them become happy in love.  

Are you ready for that too?

I cordially invite you to have this dialogue this with me. And don't wait too long, because the partner who really suits you is also looking for you! As soon as you manage to adequately embrace your feminine gift and let go of your worries about finances that's the moment you start to progress to become a MATCH FOR YOUR WEALTH.

If you think Adventure is Dangerous, Try Routine; it is Lethal

Paul Coelho 

About the Mentor

Decisive women entrepreneurs, hire me to embody their divine feminine: to unlock financial freedom & find everlasting love with unshakeable self-worth. 

I guide decisive women who are doing well in business and socially but cannot find a suitable love partner nor create financial freedom at the same time. With the ultimate goal that they meet a suitable love with whom to share their lives and also have the time to enjoy life, create their dream life whilst in a loving relationship. It has been my profession and passion for decades. It gives me great satisfaction to see all the women I help grow in their personal development, which has a direct positive effect on their financial situation & love live. I am happy and grateful for all the beautiful relationships that blossom and the dream lives they've created.  

Since 2009 I have been running a home-based integrative counseling practice for adults. The majority of my clients came with relationship and financial issues and questions about love and money. This made me decide to fully specialize in this and create the B.L.I.S.S Method to become a Match for your Wealth.

I know how difficult it can be to build a healthy relationship
with the right partner while striving for financial freedom

I was in a committed relationship 3 times and one time married  - I had a great career- in which I was very happy - my family and a dear circle of friends, but I simply missed a partner to build a real life with, who embraced my drive for financial freedom. The man with whom I could talk and share, who I could love and who loved me, who is open to exploring financial freedom. Few people saw the missed and sadness about this, but it was always there, the pain of the life not lived. I now have a great and loving relationship, being financially free and I wish you the same.


My Education & Background

After my training at the Dutch Academy for Psychotherapy, I worked as a coach-counselor for several years. I started my career as a freelancer in a high-paying job in the entertainment industry as a Croupier & Card Dealer, few years as a Personal Assistant Directors & Board of Directors in different industries and the last job as a Manager Change Management in the Telecom Industry.  

In the meantime, I went through an intensive personal process, supported by training in various areas: Body Integration Therapy, Character Structures, Integrative Counseling, Master NLP, Management Development,  Systemic work, Emotional Neglect, Talent management, Millionaires Mindset, Quantum Leap, ROI on Happiness & Economics, Financial Literacy with a.o. Robert Kiyosaki, Financial Planning, Tax & Calculations in Real Estate, Quality Asset Management and studies in Tibetan Buddhism.

My Tracvels (to date)

Life is not complete without travel!

A life well lived isn't about the things we buy,

Rather the places we've gone and the people we've shared that with

Monique Toonen

A dream without a master plan is a delusion

Simon Hedley
