Is it cancer? Well, we have to examine the puncture. We’ll call you tomorrow after 2PM. The next day around 1 PM, the phone rang. Sorry Monique, we have to inform you that it is indeed cancer. What kind of cancer it is we have to wait another week to determine which treatment you need! BOOM!💥 It is July 28th 2020, this diagnosis turned my entire life into a storm in an instant. I am going to die was aslo an instant thought. Yet, I chose to ride the waves, although it was a bumpy start to say the least! There isn’t a more powerful diagnosis in the world that serves a heavier-handed dose of looking deep, deep inside of yourself – into the darkest, scariest truths of who you are – that forces you to face EVERYTHING you’ve refused to feel for years (for this is the duration through which the inner tension has quietly amassed within you 🌪️)With the diagnosis I thought it is death sentence – yet it was the most awakening message my body could give me – after 3 weeks of huge resistance I accepted it with grace towards my whole-bodied, soul-deep, which became a super booster life-changing healing experience. Answers aren’t found only in the pharmaceutical industry – they’re found in the PLEASURE you’ve blocked yourself from feeling your entire life, when the pleasure returns, when the sense of freedom and safety and levity take hold, when every breath you take is in love, gratitude and you experience magic – that’s when you realise you will not have anywhere to hide inside of you anymore.The healing wasn’t easy, as you can imagine, yet neither was the sh*t I survived all those years that led to me getting sick.I was soooooooooo ready to do the work, heal the most complex condition of my life, it was time to recalibrate my whole. damn. life. as well! Cancer happens to force you to stop – after years of refusing to put yourself first. Years of neglecting your own needs. It signifies that all four aspects of your being – physical, mental, energetic, and spiritual – which have been stretched beyond ordinary human boundaries (often camouflaged by tendencies towards people-pleasing, shame, guilt, fear, and blame). It results in a body trapped in a perpetual state of stagnation, devoid of natural flow, space, real nutrients and joy. Above all the:Lack of Truth.Lack of Safety.Lack of Purpose.Lack of Unconditional love.All the elements are required for your body to restore its equilibrium in the midst of trauma, grief, and exhaustion are within like serotonin, the regulator of mood and well-being; oxytocin, the promoter of bonding, trust, and connection; dopamine, the messenger of pleasure and reward; and endorphins, the natural pain relievers and mood elevators.But real medicine lies in embracing the joy you’ve been convinced you’re unworthy of experiencing financial freedom and a Loving Life Partner to become a Match for your Wealth! What are you still lacking today?

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