My way of work:
the B.L.I.S.S. method

Welcome to the BLISS framework, a comprehensive guide designed to empower decisive women entrepreneurs on their journey towards personal and financial fulfillment. This framework is structured into five essential steps, each focusing on key aspects of growth and development. By prioritizing self-awareness, strategic planning, partnership building, adaptability, and financial literacy, the BLISS framework helps you unlock your full potential and achieve lasting success in love & money.

Each step of the BLISS framework builds on the previous one, ensuring a holistic approach to personal and business growth. From discovering your core values and life purpose in the BREATHE step to achieving financial independence first to embrace even more opportunities in the SERENDIPITY step, this framework provides the tools and strategies you need to thrive and create your wealthy life. Join us on this transformative journey and experience the profound impact of the BLISS framework in your life and business and become a true match to your wealth!.







prioritize your C.O.R.E.

The BREATHE step is the foundational phase of the BLISS framework, focusing on self-awareness and personal growth. This step encourages you to prioritize your C.O.R.E. — Commitment, Ownership, Reflection, and Energy. By addressing these four key elements, you can release obstructive elements, discover your life purpose (Ikigai), and develop essential skills that support your journey towards long-lasting success.

Commitment is about dedicating yourself to personal growth and self-improvement first. It involves setting clear goals and making a conscious decision to pursue them despite all challenges. By committing to your development, you lay a strong foundation for the subsequent steps in the BLISS framework.

Ownership emphasizes taking full responsibility for your actions, decisions, and their outcomes. By owning your journey, you empower yourself to make changes and improvements where necessary. This sense of accountability is crucial for overcoming obstacles and achieving your goals long-term.

Reflection involves regular self-assessment and introspection. By reflecting on your experiences, emotions, and behaviors, you gain valuable insights into your strengths and areas for improvement. This practice helps you stay aligned with your values and goals, ensuring continuous growth, development with desired results.

Energy focuses on managing and optimizing your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By prioritizing self-worth and maintaining an effective lifestyle, you ensure that you have the vitality and resilience needed to navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship. This holistic approach to energy management supports sustained success and personal fulfillment.

Through the BREATHE step and the C.O.R.E. subframework, you will develop the self-awareness and foundational skills necessary for the subsequent stages of the BLISS framework. This step sets the stage for a transformative journey, enabling you to adress and release negativity, discover your true purpose, and embark on a path of continuous personal growth.

Women who are experiencing difficulties in this step say:

  • I struggle to engage in activity that I used to enjoy because I (start) to doubt my abilities.
  • I feel constantly overwhelmed by my emotions, leading to mood swings, anxiety or even depression.
  • I engage in behaviors that are harmful to myself, such as procrastination or isolation, as a way to cope with these feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness.
  • It is hard to prioritize my own needs and well-being because I struggle to honor myself and assert my boundaries. 
  • I have a fear of acknowledging and expressing my insecurities, which leads to an unwillingness to open up to others, causing feelings of isolation and loneliness.  
  • I struggle to constantly giving my energy without replenishing, which I know can lead to burn-out and physical fatigue, impacting my overall health and well-being.
  • I have difficulty understanding and managing my own emotions as well as those of others.
  • I face challenges in effectively prioritizing tasks and responsibilities to be effective in both my personal and professional life.
  • I struggle to achieve a deep understanding of my strengths, weaknesses, values, and motivations.  


By fully embracing the BREATHE step and its C.O.R.E principles, you'll transform your life by discovering your true purpose and letting go of negativity. You'll set clear, actionable goals and stay committed to your personal growth, taking full ownership of your journey. Regular self-reflection will enhance your emotional intelligence, helping you manage your emotions and build healthier relationships. Prioritizing tasks effectively and maintaining your energy through balanced self-worth will lead to sustained profitability and reduced stress. Ultimately, you'll achieve a deep self-awareness, aligning your actions with your values and unlocking your full potential for a more fulfilling and empowered wealthy life.

END RESULT: Your are confident & clear about your path to purpose so you can truly start to living your dream life today, to let it compound into the future. 


Strategic Planning with your F.U.E.L

The LIBERATION step builds on the foundation laid in the BREATHE phase, driving growth and success through strategic planning and possible quick wins. This step focuses on utilizing your F.U.E.L. — Fearlessness, Utilization, Effectiveness, and Leadership — to break free from limitations and propel yourself forward.

Fearlessness is about embracing challenges with courage and confidence. In the LIBERATION step, you confront fears and obstacles head-on, transforming them into opportunities for growth. By cultivating a fearless mindset, you empower yourself to take calculated risks and pursue your goals with determination.

Utilization involves making the most of the resources, skills, and opportunities available to you. It's about being strategic and resourceful, leveraging your strengths and assets to maximize your potential. In this step, you learn to identify and capitalize on opportunities that align with your goals, ensuring continuous progress.

Effectiveness is key to achieving quick successes and maintaining momentum. This principle emphasizes the importance of efficient planning, time management, and execution. By developing effective strategies and honing your decision-making skills, you can achieve your objectives more swiftly and with greater impact.

Leadership is about taking charge of your journey and inspiring others along the way. In the LIBERATION step, you develop strong leadership qualities, including vision, feminine communication, and the ability to motivate others being your true self. By embodying these traits, you not only advance your own goals but also positively influence those around you.

Through the LIBERATION step and the F.U.E.L. subframework, you gain the tools and mindset necessary to overcome challenges and achieve rapid success. This phase is crucial for breaking free from limitations, driving strategic growth, and establishing a clear path towards wealth and relationship clarity. As you harness the power of fearlessness, utilization, effectiveness, and leadership, you pave the way for a more empowered and liberated life.

Women who are experiencing difficulties in this step say:

  • I am feeling undervalued in my services, which leads to underpricing my offerings, undervaluing my skills, and attracting clients who do not appreciate my true worth.
  •  My fear triggers stress, anxiety and a scarcity mindset, making it challenging to take risk  or invest in growth opportunities.  
  • I experience feeling unqualified, which hinders my ability to pursue opportunities or showcase my talents confidently.
  • I don't have good connection with my intuition, which makes it difficult making decisions and trust my instincts in life.
  • I find it hard to let go of control and entrust tasks to others, hindering progress.
  • My procrastination hinders my productivity which increases my stress levels, and prevents me from reaching my full potential in personal and professional endeavors.
  • I worry about what others will think if I fail or make mistakes.
  • I feel isolated or lack the encouragement and support needed to pursue my goals.

Implementing everything that the LIBERATION step incorporates can profoundly transform your life. By embracing fearlessness, you'll overcome obstacles with courage and confidence, opening up new opportunities for growth and success. Through utilization, you'll maximize your resources and capitalize on strategic opportunities, propelling yourself forward with efficiency and purpose. By honing your effectiveness, you'll achieve quick wins and maintain momentum, driving progress towards your goals with clarity and determination. Finally, by embodying leadership qualities, you'll inspire others and create positive change in your personal and professional spheres, leaving a lasting impact on those around you. Overall, by fully embracing the principles of LIBERATION, you'll unlock your true potential, break free from limitations, and embark on a path of empowerment, fulfillment, and success.

END RESULT: You have taken your first step to invest in your Masterplan. You're operating form a place of love and gratitude, compassion and grace. You have begun the process of monitizing your Path to Financial Independence.


Partnership Building on you V.I.B.E

The INVIGORATE step focuses on preserving and strengthening the momentum built in the previous phases of the BLISS framework. It is about continuing progress and boosting energy to achieve further growth and success. This phase emphasizes partnership building, leveraging the V.I.B.E. principles — Value, Integrity, Boldness, and Enrichment — to foster high-trust relationships and embrace change with a positive mindset.

Value is at the heart of life & successful partnerships. In the INVIGORATE step, you prioritize adding value to others' lives and businesses, fostering mutually beneficial relationships built on high-trust and reciprocity. By focusing on creating meaningful connections and delivering exceptional value, you cultivate a network of supporters and collaborators who contribute to your growth and success.

Integrity is the foundation of strong and lasting relationships. In this phase, you uphold honesty, transparency, and authenticity in all your interactions, earning the trust and respect of those around you. By demonstrating integrity in your words and actions, you build confindentiality, responsebility and credibility, establishing yourself as a trustworthy and reliable partner.

Boldness is essential for seizing opportunities and driving positive change. In the INVIGORATE step, you embrace boldness by stepping outside your comfort zone, taking calculated risks, and pursuing ambitious goals. By embracing boldness, you unlock new possibilities and break through the boundaries of what is possible, driving innovation and growth in your personal and professional endeavors.

Enrichment is about continuous learning and personal growth. In this phase, you commit to ongoing development and self-improvement, seeking out opportunities to expand your knowledge, skills, and experiences. By investing in your own enrichment, you not only enhance your value as a (love) partner but also inspire others to pursue their own growth and development journeys.

Through the INVIGORATE step and the V.I.B.E. subframework, you strengthen the connections forged in earlier phases of the BLISS framework and expand your network of supporters and collaborators. This phase is essential for maintaining momentum, navigating challenges, and continuing progress towards your goals. As you embrace the principles of value, integrity, boldness, and enrichment, you cultivate a culture of trust, innovation, and growth, ensuring sustained success and fulfillment in all aspects of your life.

Women who are experiencing difficulties in this step say:

  • I struggle to make decisions without seeking validation or approval from someone else. 
  • I get overwhelmed with fear that I'll ruin good things in my life, so I end up creating my own problems.  
  • I find it challenging to take responsibility for my mistakes and apologize sincerely.
  • I struggle with self-worth due to the negative comments and criticism from others.  
  • I find it hard to assert my needs and set clear limits in my relationships. 
  • I feel awkward or insincere when trying to compliment others, so I tend to avoid it altogether. 
  • It is challenging to find common ground and foster unity among people in my life.
  • I lack confidence in my ability to add value to others' lives or businesses. 

Implementing everything that the INVIGORATE step incorporates can lead to profound transformations in your life. By prioritizing value, you'll cultivate meaningful relationships built on trust and reciprocity, the foundation for every success, expanding your network of supporters and collaborators who contribute to your growth and success. Through integrity, you'll establish yourself as a trustworthy and reliable partner, earning the respect and admiration of those around you. Embracing boldness will empower you to seize opportunities, break through boundaries, and drive positive change, unlocking new possibilities for personal and professional growth. Finally, by committing to ongoing enrichment, you'll continuously expand your knowledge, skills, and experiences, enhancing your value as a partner and inspiring others to pursue their own growth journeys. Overall, by fully embracing the principles of INVIGORATE, you'll foster a culture of trust, innovation, and growth, ensuring sustained success and fulfillment in all aspects of your life.

END RESULT: due to effective communication that brings increased opportunities and enhanced problem solving. You create a community that gives you energy and support you.  You start to step back from the business and focus on improved profitability and personal satisfaction. You have at least 5 high-trust relationships to form syndicates with to expand your wealth creation, including your life partner.


Adaptility by your F.I.R.E

The STAMINA step focuses on developing resilience and flexibility for lasting success, building upon the foundation laid in previous phases of the BLISS framework. It is aimed at gaining new energy and resilience while continuing your activities and successes in a scalable way base on your F.I.R.E. This phase emphasizes adaptability, self-care, scalability of your business, and diversifying income to achieve long-term success.

Flexibility is essential for navigating the ever-changing landscape of entrepreneurship. In the STAMINA step, you cultivate flexibility by embracing change, adjusting your strategies as needed, and remaining open to new opportunities. By adopting a flexible mindset, you can pivot quickly in response to challenges and capitalize on emerging trends, ensuring your continued relevance and success.

Innovation is key to staying ahead of the curve and driving growth in your business. In this phase, you prioritize innovation by seeking out creative solutions to problems, experimenting with new ideas, and leveraging technology to streamline processes. By fostering a culture of innovation, you can differentiate yourself from competitors and position your business for sustainable growth and success.

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks and adversity. In the STAMINA step, you develop resilience by building a strong support network, practicing self-worth, and maintaining a positive outlook in the face of challenges. By cultivating resilience, you can weather storms with grace and emerge stronger and more resilient than before, ready to tackle whatever comes your way.

Evolution involves continually evolving and adapting to meet the changing needs of your business and industry. In this phase, you embrace evolution by staying curious, learning from both successes and failures, and continuously refining your strategies and processes. By committing to ongoing evolution, you stay true to your value & quality in a new form to stay head of the curve, drive innovation, and position yourself for long-term success in a rapidly changing world.

Through the STAMINA step and the F.I.R.E. sub-framework, you develop the resilience and flexibility needed to thrive in the face of adversity and uncertainty. This phase is crucial for maintaining momentum, scaling your business, and achieving long-term success. As you embrace flexibility, innovation, resilience, and evolution, you position yourself as a leader in your industry, capable of adapting to whatever challenges and opportunities come your way.

Women who are experiencing difficulties in this step say:

  • I struggle to stick to schedules or plans that lead to unmet goals or unfinished tasks. 
  • I sense a lack of direction of my life path resulting in indecision or feeling stuck. 
  • I feel overwhelmed by setbacks and find it hard to bounce back from adversity.
  • I struggle with self-care and splurge myself to create a healthy work-life balance. 
  • I feel stuck in a rut and find it hard to break out of old habits and routines. 
  • I have difficulty scaling my business and adapting to growth. 
  • I fear failure and am hesitant to take risks or try new things.
  • Expectation of challenges and hardship influence my mindset and outlook on life.
  • I occasionally have feelings of wanting to quit due too many obstacles. 

Implementing everything that the STAMINA step incorporates can lead to profound transformations in your life. By embracing flexibility, innovation, resilience, and evolution, you'll develop the adaptability and strength needed to navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship with confidence and grace. You'll learn to pivot in response to changing circumstances, identify opportunities for growth, and bounce back from setbacks stronger than before. Through self-worth and a commitment to continuous improvement in feminine communication, you'll maintain your energy and momentum, ensuring sustained success and fulfillment in your personal and business endeavors. Overall, by fully embodying the principles of STAMINA, you'll build the resilience and flexibility needed to thrive in a dynamic and ever-changing world, achieving lasting success and happiness.

END RESULT: You have revived your life to foster greater energy, initimacy and fun, when dating you know exactly what the green & red flags are, every month you have 1 week off, without checking on the business. You are living the lifestyle you always dreamed of, following your inner guide and loving & exploring new ways to grow your income, you have begun to execute your chosen wealth strategies.


Turn Financial Literacy into G.O.L.D

The SERENDIPITY step marks the pinnacle of the BLISS framework, guiding individuals towards financial independence and embracing opportunities for a fulfilling life journey. This phase is anchored by the G.O.L.D. principles — Growth, Opportunity, Leverage, and Determination — empowering individuals to unlock a life of abundance and fulfillment.

Growth is the cornerstone of SERENDIPITY. Here, you embark on a journey of continuous learning and personal development, actively seeking opportunities to expand your knowledge, skills, and perspectives. By cultivating a growth mindset, you remain open to new ideas and experiences, constantly evolving and adapting to the ever-changing landscape of life and business, co-creating with the Universe.

Opportunity is abundant for those who dare to seek it. In this phase, you become adept at recognizing and seizing opportunities that align with your goals and values. Whether it's pursuing a new venture, forging meaningful connections, or exploring unconventional paths, you embrace serendipity moments with curiosity and enthusiasm, knowing that each opportunity holds the potential to enrich your life and propel you towards your aspirations.

Leverage is the strategic use of resources and relationships to maximize outcomes. Here, you harness the power of leverage by capitalizing on your strengths, networks, and experiences to create exponential results. Whether it's leveraging your expertise to mentor others, leveraging technology to streamline processes, or leveraging relationships to open doors, you create win-win scenarios that amplify your impact and influence with your feminine gift.

Determination fuels your journey towards financial independence and personal fulfillment. In this phase, you demonstrate unwavering determination and resilience in the face of challenges and setbacks. With a clear vision and unwavering commitment to your goals, you persevere through adversity, learn from failures, and emerge stronger and more resilient than before. Your determination becomes the driving force that propels you towards success, transforming obstacles into opportunities and setbacks into stepping stones.

Through the SERENDIPITY step and the G.O.L.D. subframework, you unlock the key to a life of abundance and fulfillment. By embracing growth, your feminine magic,  opportunity, leverage, and determination, you cultivate a mindset and approach to life that attracts serendipitous moments and propels you towards your wildest dreams. As you harness the power of G.O.L.D., you embark on a transformative journey towards financial independence, personal fulfillment, and lasting happiness.

Women who are experiencing difficulties in this step say:

  • I feel a constant pressure to earn money quickly, leading to impulsive decisions and limited financial planning. 
  • I find it challenging to discuss financial matters, which hinders negotiations, budgeting discussions to set clear financial goals. 
  • I lack knowledge in investing, financial planning, and use maths in daily life and the future. 
  • I avid investment opportunities due to my fear, it limits my potential long-term financial growth. 
  • I hesitate to take risks and explore unconventional paths.
  • I struggle to maintain focus and clarity amidst distractions and competing demands. 
  • I feel limited by self-doubt and limiting beliefs that hinder my ability to attract serendipity.
  • I lack the skills or resources to capitalize on opportunities that arise unexpectedly. 
  • I find it challenging to navigate and adapt to unexpected changes or disruptions in my plans.
  • I feel isolated or unsupported in my journey towards financial independence and personal fulfillment. 

Implementing everything that the SERENDIPITY step incorporates can lead to profound transformations in your life. By embracing continuous learning and personal development and your femine gift, you'll expand your horizons, unlock new opportunities, and cultivate a mindset of growth and abundance. Recognizing and seizing opportunities that align with your goals and values will propel you towards financial independence and personal fulfillment, as you leverage your strengths and experiences to create exponential results. With unwavering determination and resilience, you'll overcome setbacks and challenges, emerging stronger and more resilient than before. Embracing serendipitous moments with curiosity and enthusiasm will open doors to unexpected possibilities and enrich your life in ways you never imagined. Ultimately, by fully embodying the principles of SERENDIPITY, you'll embark on a transformative journey towards a life of abundance, fulfillment, and lasting happiness.

END RESULT: Understanding you magic power on how to co-create with the Universe, aligning you intentions, energy and actions with greater at play, this harnesses the power of manifestation. You're confident you can cover your lifestyle costs with residual income or private equity long-term and see the potential to expand this towards financial freedom.

A dream without a masterplan is a delusion

Simon Hedley
